Action Society is a civil rights organisation established in 2019. This non-profit organisation with PBO status acts in the public’s interest through active advocacy for policy change. We work within the community to fight for a reformed justice system, holding the government accountable for failing to protect South African citizens. The purpose drives Action Society to give a voice to the voiceless.

Action Society attempts to assist in the following instances where communities or individuals have been affected:

with a specific focus on the most vulnerable in and among us, specifically children, women, people with disabilities and the elderly and frail.

Action Society will always endeavour to fulfil its organisational and public benefit goals to the best of its abilities in accordance with its financial means and prudent management of scarce resources.

Action Society does not provide any assurances, warranties or guarantees, and neither its Board of Directors, Board of Trustees, employees, nor any of its sub-contractors, contracted service providers, or members of the organisation can provide such to a victim or affected individual or community that had been affected by any of the above grievous crimes that:

  1. Action Society will be able to resolve the query for or on behalf of the victim;
  2. a perpetrator will be tracked, investigated, arrested or found, for that matter, once Action Society is supporting an affected individual or community;
  3. the South African Police Services, National Prosecuting Authority, the local Magistrates or High Courts having jurisdiction in any matter before it, where Action Society is assisting, will be held accountable or that they will perform their duties as expected and legislated;
  4. justice will be obtained once any matter is subjected to the criminal justice system of the Republic of South Africa with the support or intervention of Action Society.Action Society’s National Action Centres are set up to support the victims, affected individuals and communities adversely affected by incidents of crime through the provision of support services to assist those involved in pursuing and obtaining justice, as mentioned above.

The services provided by Action Society through its Action Centre model are free. However, it is subject to a set of minimum criteria that must be met to allow the victim, individual or community to request support from the Action Centre. The minimum criteria are as follows:

  1. The Mandate form as set out below in Annexure A;
  2. The SAPS registered Case Number (if SAPS does not want to open a case, a short explanation and time and day of visiting the police station);
  3. A summary of events that led up to a case being opened;
  4. If the matter is in court, also the court case file number;
  5. Any supporting documentation or other related material that will assist us in reviewing the specific matter or incident to allow us to make an informed decision.

Action Society and its contractors, affiliates, employees and Board of Trustees reserve the right to request certain information applicable to allow the representatives of Action Society to make an informed decision on whether the specific incident or matter falls within the scope and framework of Action Society as an organisation and whether the support and assistance will assist in the furtherance of its goals as a PBO and non-profit organisation. The right to assist an individual, victim, community or affected person/s remains solely within the discretion of Action Society and its Board of Directors.

Action Society is a non-member organisation and will conduct its business within the pre-confined ambit of its incorporating documents and the specific selected focus area within which it operates to ensure a voice for the voiceless in South Africa.

Any person seeking the support and/or assistance of Action Society through its Action Centre must complete the form below and send it to with all of the minimum set of requirements as set out above.



Annexure “A”

Action Centre Mandate Form:

I, the claimant/victim in an assault matter/criminal investigation/case hereby authorise Action Society (AS) in its capacity as a non-profit organisation, supporting victims of assault, to do all necessary enquiries at the various state entities and role-players, in providing the following assistance;


The different members of Action Society will however identify themselves by means of a letter and I can confirm their involvement should anyone need to confirm authorisation.

This authority is valid up to and including ___________ or upon finalisation of the complaint/investigation/court case, whichever is earliest.

AS nor its subcontractor/s will not be held responsible for any claims by myself/my estate or any third party in the execution of their professional duties.


Signed at _____________________ on the _______ day of__________________ 20_____


Signature: ……………………………………………


Full Name/s & Surname:


Capacity: (Claimant/Plaintiff/Parent/Acting obo minor etc)


Contact number:


Is there justice in SA?

At Action Society, we often see delays in the justice system. What do you think? Have you experienced this too?

Become a Society Superhero and help us to give a voice to the voiceless.