Action Society joins hands with organisations and Western Cape government to tackle GBV

Action Society joins hands with organisations and Western Cape government to tackle GBV

Action Society held its six-monthly feedback session with stakeholders at the Mitchell’s Plain Network Opposing Abuse in Beacon Valley yesterday. The event was attended by Reagen Allen, Western Cape Minister of Community Safety and Police Oversight, staff of the network and the Lentegeur neighbourhood watch.

“We provided insight into our GBV case-oversight model. Action Society Action Centres support victims of GBV by overseeing and monitoring the investigation process as well as educating the involved parties,” said Kaylynn Palm, Action Society Media Liaison Officer.

“Our aim is to ultimately achieve more successful court outcomes.”

Action Society’s Ian Cameron, Director of Community Safety, says it was the first real opportunity to provide feedback to relevant stakeholders. “This is the way forward in collaborating with community organisations, local and provincial government and SAPS to help victims of GBV to get justice.”

Allen is of the opinion that crime and crime against women is concerning, which highlights the importance of working together to address the scourge of GBV.
“We’ve seen how our women in the Western Cape are working, seen them patrolling.”


Cameron concluded by saying, “It is a great comfort to us when the work we do is appreciated and seen as vital by someone like Mr Allen. We want to once again ensure him and his team of Action Society’s support to address this issue in our communities.”

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