Establishing yet another council to fight gender-based violence (GBV) will be nothing more than a wasteful expenditure of money that could have been applied somewhere it would really make a difference.
The Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities has invited the public to comment on the National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Bill [B31-2022] to establish a National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide. The Minister for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, announced the bill to the National Assembly late last year.
“As we have stated previously, we already have the Domestic Violence Act, National Strategic Plan on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide, GBVF Fund and the National Task Team on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide, but still 11 women are murdered every day, 18 women survive an attempted murder every day, and 48 women are seriously assaulted every day,” said Kaylynn Palm, Action Centre coordinator at Action Society. “We cannot fathom how another council will bring about a change. It seems to be one more opportunity for people to enrich themselves at the expense of real victims.”
Action Society does not support the establishment of this council and will make a formal presentation to the Portfolio Committee. In the meantime, the public can have their say on DearSA’s website until 19 May 2023.