Violent criminals should not be considered for public office in a democratic society that prides itself on fundamental values such as “human dignity” and “freedom from violence”.

Including violent criminals into the political process makes a mockery of the high standards needed for an office bearer and inflicts further insult to their victim’s injury.

Action Society will do everything in our power to ensure that rapists, murderers, abusers and those who inflict grievous bodily harm on others, forfeit their right to hold public office, as they have trampled on the fundamental rights of their fellow South Africans.

In short, current legislation states, with certain terms and conditions, that a person convicted of a criminal offence may be appointed in a public service position.

Furthermore it states that any person who has been convicted of an offence and sentenced to more than 12 months’ imprisonment is eligible to stand for public office or member in the National Assembly, any provincial legislature or a municipal council.

Action Society recommends that an amendment of sections 47(1)(e) and 106(1)(e) of the Constitution must be made. This amendment will address the membership eligibility of members of the National Assembly, provincial legislatures and municipal councils, ensuring that no one with a criminal record, irrespective of the timeframe or sentence, must be allowed to serve in public office.

We need you to help us put pressure on all political parties to stop violent criminals from serving in public office.

Join us in holding our politicians accountable by signing our petition below. Responsibility starts at the top. If we do not eradicate GBVF in high office first it will become harder and harder to combat it on ground level.

By including violent criminals into the political process makes a mockery of the high standards needed for an office bearer and inflicts further insult to their victim’s injury.

Action Society will do everything in our power to ensure that rapists, murderers, abusers and those who inflict grievous bodily harm on others, forfeit their right to hold public office, as they have trampled on the fundamental rights of their fellow South Africans.

Is there justice in SA?

At Action Society, we often see delays in the justice system. What do you think? Have you experienced this too?

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