Second round for three women facing serial abuser with Action Society

The three women who survived terrible emotional and physical abuse over the course of their relationship with the same man between 2019 and 2022, attended the court proceedings against the serial abuser at the Blue Downs court yesterday. Action Society is overseeing the case and is supporting the women in their plight to get the man removed from society. The case was postponed to 15 November after the accused’s attorney failed to show up.

“We will continue to support these women in their fight for justice. Serial abusers don’t change. In fact, the abuse gets worse over time. By standing up, these women are without a doubt saving the lives of the women who would get caught up with him in the future. That makes them heroes in our eyes,” says Action Society’s Kaylynn Palm.

According to Palm, Janelle Laattoe suffered a broken wrist and broken teeth. A steel plate had to be used to treat her wrist. He even tried to burn her with a soldering iron.

The second woman was assaulted last year and suffered head injuries leaving her going in and out of consciousness. She also suffered severe injuries to her face and arm.

The third woman was assaulted and threatened in 2021.

“The man was charged in 2019 but was released on bail. Sure enough the abuse continued and he was arrested again in 2022 where he has since remained behind bars. The justice system should adopt a zero tolerance for serial abusers because it is their escalating violence that ultimately leads to the rising numbers of cases of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm and murder. Bail should be banned for these perpetrators.”

Action Society first picked up the case of Laattoe in May last year, and we have had to fight tooth and nail as vanguards of justice in the lives of these women whose experience and trauma echoes with that of countless other women in South Africa.

“It has been a long road for these young women, but they are determined to see justice in this case. What happened to these women at the hands of this man was terrible and unacceptable, Action Society will continue to monitor and oversee this case, right to the bitter end,” concluded Palm.

Is there justice in SA?

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